This article appeared in the Marietta Daily Journal on Thursday, March 15, 1962.

The Education and Scholarship Committee of the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, the Forty and Eight, the Eight and Forty wants to be sure that no veterans' sons or daughters fail to have the information of the opportunities offered to them by these organizations.

Mrs. G. C. Fennell, Sr., chairman of the educational program of the Horace Orr Unit of Marietta has this to say: "There is a valuable collection of information and forms available in helping veterans' families with their educational and vocational needs.

"There are not awards and financial aids for everyone but I would suggest that many applicants try for the many scholarships that are listed in the valuable book "Need A Lift" published by the American Legion.  Copies of the book were given to all high schools in the state, to all high school counselors at a state-wide meeting in the fall.

Mrs. Fennell also says: "The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary are not only interested in the education of veterans' children, but wish to improve opportunities for non-veterans' children as well.

"The past presidents of Horace Orr Unit gave $140.00 toward a $300.00 Nurse's Scholarship last July to Margaret Burgess, of Marietta, who was chosen to attend Georgia Medical Nurses' Training School at Augusta.  Miss Burgess was one of three students receiving these scholarships.

"Applicants for the National President's $1,000.00 Scholarship, thr Department Past President's $250.00 Scholarship, Junior G. I. Bill Benefits, The American Legion LaVerne Noyes Scholarship, the Maude E. Warwick Scholarship, the Forty and Eight Nurse's Scholarship and the Eight and Forty T.B. Nurse's Training Scholarship of $1,000.00 should be made not later than March 15 to Mrs. Fennell; for the Department Past President $250.00 Scholarship not later than May 20th, 1962.





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