This article appeared in teh Marietta Daily Journal on Friday, August 9, 1957.
Legionnaires Burn $20,000 Mortgage
(Left to right) Barfield, Dudley, Copeland, Thompson. (Buster Crowe Photos)
Officers of American Legion Post 29 and its Auxiliary were installed in a joint meeting Tuesday evening at the Legion Home on Gresham Avenue.
Fred Thompson succeeded C. D. Copeland as post commander and Mrs. Robert Boyd succeeded Mrs. C. D. Copeland as unit president.
Other post officials installed by Herbert Barfield, seventh district commander of Marietta were: Bob Blackwood, senior vice-commander; Tom Bolan, junior vice-commander; Joe Holder junior vice-commander; Rogers Wheeler, finance officer; Tom Morgan and Clifton Phagan, sergeants-at-arms; Jim Transue, chaplain; Clifton Fancher, service officer; Dr. A. O. Colllquitt, post surgeon and Cecil M. Dudley, judge advocate.
Mrs. P. I. Dixon, member of Unit 1 in Atlanta, Department Parliamentarian and past Department president, installed the Auxiliary officers. They were: Mrs. Boyd, president; Mrs. R. D. Blackwood, first vice-president; Mrs. Fred Thompson, second vice-president; Mrs. Mae Swanson, recording secretary; Mrs. C. D. Copeland, treasurer; Mrs. Harvey Nuce, historian; Mrs. Fred Rohner, chaplain; Mrs. Tom Morgan and Mrs. Clifton Fanchger, sergeants-at-arms. Executive members-at-large are Mesdames Boyd, Swanson and Copeland.
In his acceptance speech Cmdr. Thompson stressed greater participation in government by "bringing a larger percentage of the citizens to the polls with intelligent votes." He emphasized the importance of Legionnaires knowing their community and following its activities in "child welfare, youth athletics, ceremonials, security, Americanism, recreation, youth and adult participation in governemnt, education, educational systes and good government that benefits the majority of the people."
Membership was the keynote of Mrs. Boyd's message. "Membership is the outstanding phase of our program," she stated, "without it we cannot do anything. We need extra funds and additional fingers to insure the success of our program."
"Let us work closely with the American Legion, remembering always as the word "auxiliary" implies that we are an aid and an additional force to further the aims and objectives for which the American Legion stands, " Mrs. Boyd concluded.
Following the installation, the $20,000 mortgage taken for re-modeling of the Legion Home during Herbert Barfield's term as commander was burned. Participating in the ceremony was Barfield, the two commanders that have held office since the mortgage was takenn, C. M. Dudley and C. D. Copeland, and the incoming commander.