This article appeared in the Marietta Daily Journal on Friday, July 15, 1955

Some 24 members of Horace Orr American Legion Post 29, of Marietta, together with several members of the Legion Auxiliary, are attending the 37th annual convention of the Department of Georgia, which got underway in Macon Friday.

The Mariettans will be among some 1,000 Legionnaires and their wives who will participate in the two-day affair.  While there, they will hear addresses by Gov. Marvin Griffin, former Gov. Herman Talmadge, Methodist Bishop Arthur J. Moore and National Commander Seaborn Collins.

The Auxiliary members will open their 35th annual convention at the same time.

Attending from the Horace Orr Post will be Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dudley, new commander of the post; Herbert Barfield, present commander, Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Van Woeart, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Fennell, Mr. and Mra. Ralph Eubanks, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hart.

Mr. and Mrs. George Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McKimm, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Atha, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers A. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ginn, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bevins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dinsmore, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ellis, Charles Oliphant, John X. Drude, Fred B. Thompson, Mack Whellis, John O'Daniel Jr., Lyman Hall, and W. Samples.

The Auxiliary delegation will be headed by Mrs. Vernon Fox, president; MRs. Mae Swanson, Mrs. Deborah Fennell, Mrs. Ralph McDonald, Mrs. Helen Krabes, Mrs. Tom Allen, Mrs. Francine Crowder and others.

The three day meeting will be opened with a one day 40 and 8 meeting.  The 40 and 8, the American Legion honor society, will hold its annual meeting Friday, concluding with a banquet Friday night.  Guest speaker for that affair will be a 40 and 8 member, the Honorable Herman Talmadge, past governor of Georgia.  The ex-governor is a member of Middle Georgia Voiture 1145 of the 40 and 8.

National Commander
The American Legion convention program is to get underway Saturday morning and will be concluded Sunday afternoon with the installation of Officers.  Seaborn Collins, national commander of the American Legion, will be featured speaker during the two day meeting.  Also scheduled to speak at the Saturday session is Georgia's governor, Marvin Griffin, also a Legionnaire and a member of the Middle Georgia Voiture 1145, 40 and 8.

Sunday morning a new feature has been added to the convention program.  State Chaplain Leon Hobby of Valdosta said a special religious service has been planned for Macon's city auditorium.  Guest speaker for that service will be Methodist Bishop Artur J. Moore.  Chaplain Hobby said the general public will be invited to this special religious servcie which is to become an annual feature of the Geogia Legion Convention.




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