This article appeared in the Marietta Daily Journal on Wednesday, October 22, 1952. There was no byline.
Photo of Legionnaires making last payment from left: Dick McCleakey, Dee Little, and Banker Ed Massey.
Mortgage Burning Ceremony Set Here on Armistice Day
Members of Horace Orr Legion Post have a home they can call their own now.
Announcement was made at the regular meeting of the Legion Tuesday night that the last payment on the Post's home was made Tuesday.
Charles Oliphant, commander, told some 100 members that Dee Little, treasurer of the Board of Trustees, and Dick McCleskey, house manager, made the final payment on a loan made on the property in 1949 to J. E. Massey, President of the First National Bank.
The loan was paid off a little over a year ahead of time.
Oliphant said that a ceremony for the burning of the mortgage and a party would be held on Armistice Day, November 11.
At the Tuesday night meeting, Legionnaires and Auxiliary members heard Past State Commander James Powers, of Marietta, as guest speaker.
Powers told the Legionnaires what the Legion has done for the veteran and brought up the Legion organization and its activities from the First World War to the present conflict in Korea.
Oliphant also reported that the membership campaign, which will continue through November 11, is progressing nicely, with many new members already enrolled.
He urged all veterans to become affiliated with an organization which "has done more for the veteran than any other group."