This article appeared in the Marietta Daily Journal on May 1, 1951.

Bob Bissinnar, who is associated with Southern Bell Telephone in Atlanta, was named to succeed John C. Pope, Jr., as commander of Horace Orr Legion Post in the annual election Tuesday night.

He takes office in June.

Other new officers named were: Horace Bagwell, senior vice-commander; John Bland and Charles Oliphant, junior vice-commanders; Sherroid Tomlinson and Leon VanWoeart, sergeants-at-arms.

Re-elected wree Rogers Wheeler finance officer; Fred Morris, historian; Hoyt Bryan, chaplain, and Bruce Burleigh, surgeon.

Elected to the House Committee were Herbert McCollum, L. A. Van Woeart and Claud M. Hicks; and selected for three year terms on the Board of Trustees were Guy Wyrick, Bissinnar and John Heck, the latter being re-elected.

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