This article from the Marietta Journel is not dated.

Legionnaires Consider Two Locations for $40,000 House

The Horace Orr Legion Post Tuesday was granted a charter for its building fund, by order of J. H. Hawkins, under the name "The Legion Home of Marietta, Inc., Horace Bagwell, post commander, announced at a meeting of the organization last night at the courthouse.

Incorporation was sought by A. E. McCleskey, Clyde Brown, Lucius Atherton, J. S. Read, H. F. Bagwell, R. J. Hancock, Rogers Wheeler and Luther C. Hames Jr., who have been elected by the local post as a board  of trustees to manage the fund.

The charter provides there will be no capital stock and the purpose of the incorporation was to purchase, erect, equip and maintain legion home to provide a suitable place for the organization to hold its meetings and entertain its members.  It provides that the Legion may rent or lease to other parties a portion of its properties, the monies realized to be used for maintenance and upkeep of its properties and entertainment of its members.

The charter also provides the company can hold fairs, expositions, circuses and carnivals in order to raise funds to complete its building and to maintain it after its completion.

Term for which the petitioners asked to be incorporated was 20 years, with the privilege of renewal at expiration of that period.

Control of the company will be retained by the local post through a requirement that the post must pass on the by-laws of the company anad any changes thereafter.

Court officials donated their usual fees and the firm of Dorsey-Hames, attorneys, represented the company in procurement of the charter without compensation.

Legionnaires at present have approximately $30,000 with which to launch the building program.  A goal of $40,000 has been set.

Two locations are under consideration by the Legion, one on the four-lane highway  and the other in southwest Marietta.






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