Edward F. Witsell, Major General, Acting the Adjutant General of the War Department replied to Commander McCleskey's letter:
"i have your letter of 18 October 1945, addressed to the Secretary of War, in which you brought to my attention the case of Sergeant Charles Trippi.
"The records of this office show that Sergeant Trippi was discharged by reason of being surplus to the requirements of the major command to which he was assigned. No special consideration was given this case over those of other enlisted men in the same category.
"In connection with your statement regarding the men now overseas who have the necessary points for discharge, it is our plan to return them as promptly as transportation facilities will permit. Air and sea transportation which may be allocated for this purpose are being utilized to the maxium to return high score men and those eligible on account of age, now overseas to their homes. This task will take time and it is obvious that it cannot be accomplished within as short a period as might be desired. It is estimated, however, that a peak load of more than 500,000 will be attained in the return of men to the United States monthly.