A. E. McCleskey was re-elected Tuesday night as commander of Horace Orr Post American Legion.
The re-election was unanimous and was in the nature of an unusual tribute to the commander, sice it is customary to elect a new man each year and not permit a commander to serve more than one term. The distinctive services rendered the post by Commander McCleskey, during the past year, however, casued the post members to vote for the unanimous re-election.
Other officers named included Pat Crowe, senior vice-commander; Herbert Holmes, sergeant-at-arms.
L. G. McGaney was re-elected chaplain. Charles Cox was re-elected service officer, and W. L. Baker, the veteran finance officer since organization of the post, was re-named.
Delegated to the State Legion Convention in Atlanta June 20-22 will be Hubert Allen, Pat Crowe Charles Co, Fred Morris, John Heck and Commander McCleskey.
[Marietta Journal 1939]