At a meeting of the Horace Orr Post of the American Legion Tuesday night, Dr. Lucius Atherton, well known Marietta pharmacist and drug store operator, was elected Post Commander; A. E. McCleskey, vice-commander; Wm. T. Holland, Jr., vice-commander; Fred Morris, Historian; Charlie Cox, service officer; Guy Roberts, sergeant-at-arms; W. L. Baker, finance officer.

The post voted to give the newly elected commander authority to appoint a post adjutant.  Major J. Glenn Giles is now serving in this capacity.

The post has just completed a very successful year under commander Charlie Plunkert.  A good number of the post members were present at the meeting Tuesday and are looking forward to an active year ahead.

Dr. Atherton has been a member of the American Legion since the war, and has served as member of the local post for seven years.  He was past senior vice-commander.

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