On January 7, 1947, arrangements were made to acquire the property on which the Post Home now stands. This property, (about 210 feet by 450 feet) belonged to Miss Mary Derinda Martin, who deeded it to the City of Smyrna, with the understanding that the City would lease a portion of the property, (about 200 feet by 210 feet) to the American Legion for a period of 99 years, under warranty deed no. 183, commencing on the 15th day of January 1947 and ending on the 14th day of
January 2046, for the sum of one ($1.00) dollar, with an option to renew the lease for another 99 years.
This agreement made and entered into this 11th day of January 1947, between THE CITY OF SMYRNA, of the first part, and C.P. Dorris, R.M. Reed, and James Presley as Trustees of AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 160, SMYRNA, GA and their successors in office of the second part both of said county...