04/13/2015 – Post member Jack Solomon presented a very touching comment from a person who was attending a dental convention in Atlanta. Every year the USO operates a booth at the convention where attendees are encouraged to write a brief thank you note to our troops. Jack is deeply involved with the USO, and was at the booth collecting these notes. As a matter of routine the notes are read prior to submission to USO headquarters. Jack came across a particularly moving note from a Ms. Jenna Leith (or Teith). The spelling of her last name may not be entirely clear, but what she wrote is very moving.
Here’s a transcription of Jenna’s note to the troops:
In gratitude…..
Today I’m working a tradeshow, and everywhere I look are small businesses who are allowed to work and thrive in our capitalistic and free economy. And that is because of YOU.
Later, I will drive home from the heart of Atlanta, the city that not only houses the CDC, but also the world’s busiest airport. I will do so without threat of violence or attack. And that is because of YOU.
Tonight, I will eat fresh, healthy reasonably priced food, and take a hot shower with clean water, privileges that come from secure trade routes and healthy infrastructures. And that is because of YOU.
And when I lay my head on my pillow tonight, I will know that I am safe, privileged and free enough to do it all again tomorrow.
And that, most of all, is because of YOU.
Thank you Jenna, and thanks to Jack Solomon for bringing this forward.