Omar Bradley Post GR42 was named after General Omar Nelson Bradley. Based on his dedication to God and Country and his honorable service to the U.S. Army, the members decided the name Omar Bradley would honor and give respect to this great leader and Post GR42.
Omar Bradley Post GR42 is located in the Schweinfurt Military Community, Germany which when organized was part of the 3RD Infantry Division which had been in this area since WWII. During Desert Shield – Desert Storm many troops from this community were directly involved in the freeing of Kuwait from the Iraq forces.
On May 5, 1990 Omar Bradley Post GR42 received their temporary charter from National Headquarters. This charter was presented by the Department of France Commander Douglas Hagen. Post GR42 received their permanent charter on October 12, 1990 to become recognized as part of this great organization.
Past Post Commander GR42 William E. Marshall with the assistance of the Department Officers were instrumental in establishing the charter and Post Home. Commander Marshall came from Mobile, Alabama where he joined the military in 1962. During his 21 years of service in the U.S. Army he served in Korea, Vietnam, Germany and stateside. Commander Marshall retired from the Army in 1984 with the rank of Company First Sergeant.
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