Regular Meeting - September 9, 1966
WHEREAS, the Norman A. Garrett American Legion Post # 78 of Milton, Florida, is concerned with the welfare of the residents of Santa Rosa County, generally, and the welfare of our Veterans, their widows and dependents in particular; and,
WHEREAS, said American Legion Post # 78 is aware of the immeasurable benefits to the Veterans, their widows and dependents, of this County, which result from the receipt of Veterans pension and compensation funds by such persons residing in Santa Rosa County; and,
WHEREAS, the receipt of Veterans pension and compensation funds by many such residents of Santa Rosa County has likewise resulted in an important and vital economic benefit to the overall economy of Santa Rosa County; and,
WHEREAS, said American Legion Post # 78 is aware of the great importance to our local Veterans, their widows and dependents, of the work of Mr. Ben Henry Pooley, County Service Officer of Santa Rosa County, Florida, in his diligent and persistent efforts to secure Veterans pension and compensation benefits to qualified Santa Rosa County Veterans, their widows and dependents; and,
WHEREAS, said American Legion Post # 78 has been advised by the Honorable Melvin T. Dixon, American Legion State Service Officer for the State of Florida, that as a result of the outstanding work of Mr. Ben Henry Pooley, and his devotion to the welfare of our local Veterans, their widows and dependents, that there has occurred an unprecedented increase in the amount of recoveries of new Veterans pension and compensation benefits for many of our Santa Rosa County residents; and,
WHEREAS, there will be many additional Veterans, their widows and dependents, in need of such assistance as a result of the Vietnam war and of the increasing number of Veterans in our County; and,
WHEREAS, said American Legion Post # 78 is desirous of commending the important work of Mr. Ben Henry Pooley as County Service Officer for Santa Rosa County, Florida.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Norman A. Garrett American Legion Post # 78 of Milton, Florida, that it does hereby commend Mr. Ben Henry Pooley for his outstanding work as County Service Officer of Santa Rosa County, Florida; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners of Santa Rosa County, Florida, by Louis Riley, Post Commander, there to be spread upon the minutes of the Commissioners.
DONE AND ORDERED in regular session assembled on this 15th day of August, 1966, in Milton, Florida
/s/ Louis J. Riley, Post Commander
Attest: /s/ Irene Kicker