American Legion, Post 2 held it's annual POW / MIA ceremony at the Post. There was a new twist to this years ceremony. It began with ringing the Ship Bell from the U.S.S. Kidd. Followed by the POW/MIA table. Former Mayor of Bristol was on hand along with the present Mayor of Bristol. Area State Reps and Senators were on hand. Three were on Hand. The guest speaker, a MIA Korean Veteran was Honored in the middle of the ceremony. A certificate from the State of Ct. law makers was presented to him by the area law makers from the State Law Makers. A pasta dinner was served after the ceremony. It was cooked by the Post's Kitchen crew. Volunteers of the Post served the meal. A Post 2 member was on hand with the new medial presented the Korean veterans by the president of South Korea. The center of the medial contains dirt from Korea.





2 State of Ct. Law makers standing next to the former mayor and present mayor













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