Minutes of the American Legion Thailand Post TH01, Draft
Officers Present: 14 Members Present: Total Present: 19
Convened: Aug 13, 2018; Time: 10:00 Adjourned: Aug 13, 2018; Time: 1145
Compiled by: Jeff Ludwig, Title: Adjutant
Approved by: Larry Edmonds, Commander and members present.
The Meeting was called to order by Commander Edmonds.
Ceremonial Actions:
Invocation by .
Pledge of Allegiance
Reciting the Pre-Amble of the American Legion Constitution.
Roll Call of Officers and Committee Members:
Not Present
Larry Edmonds
Bruce Templeman
1st Vice Commander
Wayne Wright
2nd Vice Commander
Ted Potyrala
Maurice(Rocky) Hatzke
Service Officer
Hugh Mason
Jeff Ludwig
Adjutant/Finance Officer
Neil Tufford
Sergeant at Arms
Charles (Rusty) Wilson
Judge Advocate
Joe Reedy
Publicity Officer
Salvatore (Sal) Salzarulo
Members at large
Tony Francois
Members at large
Bill Medley
Members at large
** “OL” Attendance via Hangouts
Approving the Past months Minutes:
Motion to approve the minutes of the July, 2018 meeting made by: Charlie Mason
Seconded by: Kirby Raines
Approved by show of hands.
Guest,prospective, and New Members recognized:
Balloting on applications
New Members:
Transferred members: None
Motion to accept to the Post: N/A
Vote: N/A
Financial Report:
Finance Officer Ludwig provides the following financial report.
Monthly income: ฿16,677.34
฿1300 - Attendance Drawing to General fund
฿650.00 - Donation David Bell Attendance Drawing for Children Fund.
$202.86 Membership dues for 2019
$220.00 Individual donation for Facility Rental
Monthly Expense. ฿16,489.49
฿500.00 – Facility Rental
฿10,986.00 - 4th of July Picnic
฿650.00 Attendance Drawing winner
$125.00 National and Department for Members dues 2019
Net Monthly Income. ฿187.85.
Summary of accounts
Checking Account - $ 3,844.00
Cash accounts:
General Fund – ฿ 52,129.85
Children’s Fund – ฿ 9,650.00
A motion was made by Wayne Wright and seconded by Sal Salzarulo to approve the Financial Report subject to audit. Motion approved by show of hands.
Adjutant’s Comments:
Adjutant Ludwig encouraged all to renew as soon as possible. Online renewal is the most preferred, because it’s fast and easy. In addition, the online renewal accepts most all credit cards, even overseas credit cards. Just click on this link Renew Membership for 2019 .
Adjutant Ludwig also informed members that he has membership cards for those who have paid their dues for 2019.
Committee Reports
Membership Committee Report
Membership Chairman Comments: st. Vice Commander Bruce Templeman No Comments.
2019 Membership dues: See Adjutants comments above.
Activities/Americanism Committee Report:
Bruce Templeman asked if everyone received the proposed events/activities schedule for 2018/2019. The schedule was reviewed, see old business.
Adjutant Ludwig explained the events and activities that were on the schedule that had no specific date such as visiting schools and hospitals. He suggested that we do this on a quarterly or semiannual basis. Adjutant Ludwig suggested we visit hospital and provide a lunch for the patients, their families, and hospital staff. He offered we could invite other Americans and Expats to participate. This would defray the cost and allow more interaction and participation. This could be done with schools, hospitals, and orphanages.
Chaplain Mason brought up that his church group donates 3,000 baht each month to a local orphanage and asked if the Post would like to commit to the orphanage on a monthly basis. During the discussion, it was suggested that we poll all members before making a decision. Commander Edmonds directed the Adjutant send out a poll along with the monthly Post minutes. This suggested action will be table till next month’s meeting pending the results of the poll.
Resolution Committee
Chairman Wright. Wayne is working up some of the language of the resolution to allow all veterans to join the American Legion.
Commander Edmonds is working the resolution to move the Post to different Department. Not much progress.
Sick call:
Joel Aldrich gravely ill.
Service Officers Report:
Service Officer Rocky Hatzke had no comments.
Publicity report:
Publicity Officer, Joe Reedy had no comments.
Old/Unfinished Business:
Flag Poles. Commander Edmonds stated we are still waiting on the Embassy to receive their new poles.
Storage Locker: Closed. The cabinet was purchase and is in the Driving Range office.
Activities schedule: The activity schedule was discussed briefly. It was agreed that we would break the schedule up by quarters.
Next Month’s meeting: Adjutant Ludwig suggested we have a post luncheon after the September meeting in observance of POW/MIA Month and Labor Day. David Burns made a motion to have a luncheon after the September meeting serving the hamburgers and hotdogs left over from the 4th of July. Charlie Mason seconded the motion. Motion approved by show of hands.
The good of The American Legion:
Executive Committee: Commander expressed concern with the lack of participation when he called a meeting of the Executive Committee. The past several meeting we had just barely enough to have a quorum. Rusty Wilson stated that he tried to join the Hangouts but it would not let him join. We will look into why that happened. Commander Edmonds strongly encouraged officers and Members at Large to attend the Executive Committee meeting and to notify him, Wayne Wright or Joe Reedy if they are having trouble joining the group on Hangouts.
Mail: Commander stated he is trying to see if we can send and receive mail through APO JUSMAG Thai or Embassy. More to come.
Post Newsletter: Adjutant Ludwig solicited articles from all members especially the post officers. He encouraged member when they do community service or charity work to share it with us so we can include in our Newsletter. He informed members that our newsletters are now posted on the Department of France Website. He said the Newsletter is a great marketing tool to attract new members. Adjutant Ludwig stated that several prospective members have asked to see our newsletters.
August Birthdays:
Bill Bragg
Larry Edmonds
David Burns
John Eschenbaum
Charlie Mason
Bruce Postel
David Rice
Bruce Templeman
Henry Wolfskill
Memorial to departed post members:
Attendance Drawing:
The Post collected 1700 Baht. Tony Francios won the drawing and graciously donated his winnings of 850 baht back to the Post toward Children’s fund
Meeting closing ceremony:
Invocation given by Chaplain Mason.
Commander Edmonds declared the meeting of the Robin Olds American Legion Thailand Post TH01 closed for business.
View more history for Post TH01 in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, France