2016-2017 Commander Deb Davis
BASEBALL!!!!!!! Post 206 is once again actively involved in American Legion Baseball. The Post sponsored a team from George Washington High School.
National Commander Barnett came to Aurora with his Walk for Future initiative. We met at the Colorado Veteran Memorial and walked to the gate of Buckley Air Force Base and back.
The new National Commander, Charles Schmidt came to Post 206 for a Meet and Greet. It was held at The Potter’s House on September 13th. Cynthia Francis coordinated the event and Commander Schmidt left with one of our tumblers.
The Potter’s House has a POW/MIA table set up in the lobby for the month of September. Post 206’s member Betty Jantz maintained the table with fresh salt and lemon.
Helen K. Osmundson, Post 206, worked with The Empowerment Program of Denver to help the veterans living in the Odyssey House Residence.
Every year the Veterans Administration host a Stand Down for Homeless Veterans. In cooperation with Women Veterans of Colorado, members of Post 206 helped pass out home-made blankets and knitted caps/mittens to the female veterans in attendance. Informational resources were also available as handouts. Each veteran was asked to take a survey to determine if their needs were being met and how else can we as a community help them.
2016 Aurora Salutes Veterans theme was Vietnam Veterans. Again Post 206 had a table set up for information about the Post and the FVAC. This year we also provided a can for donations to the Poppy Program at Unit 1.
Denver’s Veterans Day Parade 2016. What a beautiful day to show our pride.
November’s Meeting for Post 206 included a Post Everlasting Ceremony. We honored Marge Murray, Winifred Hicks and Gloria Vinksey. This will be an annual ceremony for the month of November.
The first Post meeting of 2017 was a working session. Members primarily focused on a DMS list and preparation for the upcoming Workshop in March. Other items discussed were this year’s Awards Banquet, Fundraising and supporting the soon to be new Department Commander.
The Post helped out the Female Veterans Action Committee with a Workshop for female veterans in the metro Denver area and in Colorado Springs CO. The attendance was low. The next Workshop will be held in Greeley, CO in March 2018.
This was the first year the Post participated in the largest Memorial Day Parade in Colorado. Commander Deb Davis was elected to the position of Department Historian. Now we have two “White hats” in the Post.
2017-2018 Commander Deb Davis
Installation of new Officers. The American Legion year started off on a run. Our own Terri Clinton (Shelefontiuk) is the Department Commander! Her being Department Commander gave Post 206 a lot to do to support her in her duties.
The Post revitalized the Rummage Sales of the 60’s and held 4 Garage Sales for fund raising. And we again sold Butter Braids. Our biggest fund raiser was host a Golf Tournament.
Commander Deb Davis was also selected to go to National American Legion College. It was an honor.
Christmas gifts and gift cards were taken to the Odyssey House. The residents truly enjoy our sponsorship. Again, the Post participated in Veterans Day Parade.
Every December the Post fore goes a monthly meeting and has a luncheon. This year we went to the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum.
Helen K. Osmundson, Post 206 does not have an Auxiliary. So to be able to work the program of Children and Youth; 50% of us joined the Auxiliary of Leyden-Chiles-Wickersham Post 1 in Denver, CO. We love helping them out.
Every year for the past 12 years, District 6 Auxiliary and Past President Parlay host a Women Veterans Luncheon. It is such a prideful event for all of us. It also gives us the opportunity to recruit new members.
The National President presented “Duel” member pins to those who qualified.