American Legion Dane R. Balcon Post 2008 and local Boy and Cub Scout Troops 228, 231 and 159, placed flags on veteran's graves at Eastonville Cemetery to honor the veteran's service to our country. The flags remained at the cemetery through Memorial Day. This is the second time Post 2008 has placed flags at the cemetery and they plan to continue the tradition every Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
In the past, a Colorado Springs VFW placed flags on the graves. The Falcon American Legion Post decided to take on the responsibility of this event as part of its continuing community involvement. Historically, the American Legion and the Boy Scouts have a long-standing working reputation and both local organizations plan to continue their working relationship to better the Falcon community.
Dane R. Balcon Post 2008 Commander Al Bendure pays his respects to a Civil War veteran after placing a United States flag in the Eastonville Cemetery. There are three Civil War veterans buried at the cemetery. Also pictured are Post 2008 historian Jeff Houchin and his son Wyatt.