Christmas 2016 at the Legion
Christmas comes in many ways to the American Legion each year and this year was no exception. There was Santa at the Library and the Legion Christmas party both.
Santa at the Library is an ongoing project of the Ladies Auxiliary to give the children of the area a chance to meet Santa at the Carbon Valley Regional Library. This year the major part of the project, filling the children’s gift bags, took place following the Post meeting on the first of December. Several members of the Ladies Auxiliary, with some added support as needed, spent an hour or so filling over 200 bags. The bags held candy, fruit and other treats for the children. These were to be given out by Santa as he spoke to the children on Saturday, December 3rd between 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M
Within a day or so of filling the bags, the decorating of the Post was completed. Not only was the front area around the bar and meeting area decorated, but so was the meeting room in the back. This was no small feat since the meeting room was booked for a meeting on Saturday the 3rd. As has come to be expected, the Auxiliary had everything done in plenty of time before the meeting and there are photos attached
Ceiling Lights
What else than a Bronco Tree!
Side Wall in the main room
Front Wall in the Main Room
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