Patrick Reinard Post commander 2010
Willard Walker Past Commander Picture taken 2007
District visitation and award presentation for several member for their continuous membership
Die Cast Hot wheels races for the kids
Robert BOB Abrams Past commander and military Pilot native Lovelander Picture taken in 2008
Bill Kopsa Picture taken 2003 RIP
Harman Servin "Woody" picture taken 2004
John Lusenhop picture taken 2012, RIP
Joe Montoya Past post commander 2002 Picture taken 2016
Steve Powell Past Post commander and Legion Riders president picture taken 2015
Harold Gosse Past Post commander
Rob D. Smith Past post Commander, later transfer to Post 2000 of Loveland, in 2018 became Department Commander 2018-19
Anthony Abbott Post post commander, Picture taken 2009
Bernie Nethihismer Picture taken 2008 , RIP
Tony DuMosch, Post Adjutant from 2012-2020, Past Post Commander, Past District Commander, Past Department executive Committee (DEC) , past Dept Sgt at Arms, Past Dept JR Vice commander, various Nationals appointments of office, National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) Are 4 Director, creator of Colorado Press Association (COLPA) , and many other positions of office held between 2000 -2020 in-between
Jennifer Rivera 2 nd ever female Post commander with the first ever National Commander Dennis Rohan, Jennifer received the National commander incentive pin.
John Liddle past post sgt at arm who passed away only weeks before this was post on 9/30/20 RIP
Travis Grizzard Post Chaplin various years
Connie Johnson Finance officer 2018,19,20
Rebeca Hall legion member for a few years at Post 15
Jack (John) Pickett long time members of Post 15
Joe Centeno
Jerry Cotner
Bill Peterson Post Adjutant 2003- 2013
Bill Lutes getting ready for the Corn Roast parade with a Corn Aid ambulance.