Owing its heritage to the Civil War Grand Army of the Republic's Post 104, General Ed Hatcher Post, Pagosa Springs, which was formed in the late 1800s following the Civil War, more than 30 ex-servicemen met in the court house Wednesday evening at 8:00 for a charter in the American Legion. The Legion is an organization to which all who took part in the World War are eligible. Rev. J.D. Leach presided. The constitution of the Legion was read by Leroy March. The following were elected temporary officers of the post: Commander Reef Egger, Vice Commander Riley Hill, Adjutant Leroy L. Marsh, Finance Officer Phillip Johnson, Historian Harry Defoe, and Chaplain Rev. J.D. Leach. From The Pagosa Springs SUN As an aside, the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) was the organization that embraced veterans who had served in the US on land or sea during the Civil War, 1861-5. Its purpose was the cultivation of fraternity, comradeship, and patriotism among Union veterans. It began in Illinois in 1866 and spread rapidly through the US. General Edward Hatch (1832-1889) was a career American soldier who served as a general in the Union Army. After the war, he transferred to the Regular Army and served in the southwest as a colonel. He negotiated a treaty with the Ute Indians, circa 1879, which dealt with access to "hot springs" which were located in the area now known as Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Roster of Gen. Ed. Hatch Post No. 104, G. A. R., Pagosa Springs, Colorado Meetings Every Last Saturday P. M. Boles, Joshua W., Private, G, 11th Missouri Cavalry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Bovee, L. T., Private, E, 100th New York Infantry, Durango, Colorado. Buckmaster, J. W., Private, B, 7th Missouri Cavalry, Green River, Wyo. Cabe, John L., Sergt, K, 4th Tennessee Cavalry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Caldwell, Ephraim K. . . .1st Sergeant, C, 1st Neb. Cavalry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Charlsworth, J. S., Private, I, 33rd Wisconsin Infantry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. DeMotte, McKendree Private, C, 145th Illinois Infantry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Dowell, John L., Private, A, 17th Indiana Infantry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Ewell, Wm. T., Private, M, 15th Kansas Cavalry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Fisher, John K., Private, G, 8th Iowa Infantry, Pueblo, Colorado. Halstead, Elliott, Private, E, 43rd Illinois Infantry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Hayden, Nathaniel L., Sergeant, F, 2nd Iowa Cavalry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Hyler, Wm. C., Sergeant, A, 31st New Jersey Infantry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. McFarland, Marshall, Private, B, 14th Mo. Vet. Cavalry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. McMullen, Thomas, Private, H, 110th Pennsylvania Infantry, Chromo, Colorado. Murphy, Thomas, Coal Heaver, U. S. Navy. Durango, Colorado. Scase, Charles D Private, I, 101st New York Infantry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Slevin, Michael, Sergeant, G, 7th U. S. Infantry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Snowden, Preston R., Corporal, H, 30th Ohio Infantry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Sparks, J. E. N., Musician, 57th Illinois Infantry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Sturgill, Wm. T., Private, K, 43rd Missouri Infantry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Taylor, Endolphus M., Private, G, 24th New York Cavalry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Thompson, Abner, Private, G, 8th Iowa Cavalry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Waber, James, Private, I, 11th Michigan Cavalry, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Walker, James H., Private, E, 4 6th Iowa Infantry, Arboles, Colorado. From Historian's internet searches.