The Tate Lawrence American Legion Post 81 was formed in Melbourne, and a Temporary Charter request was submitted on July 17, 2018.  It all started as the Izard County Service Officer and his assistant was sitting around during a rare lull of Veterans in the office and it had been mentioned that Melbourne had an American Legion Post at one time, but it had been disbanded.  After a little research it was discovered that Melbourne did have an American Legion Post and when it got down to 3 members meeting in their homes, after one died, they closed the Post.


The Service Officer and assistant started talking with most of the Veterans that would come in and they soon had 15 Veterans that qualified and signed up for the proposed post in Melbourne.  The Temporary Charter was submitted with these 15 members being Charter Members of the resurrected Post 81.  The membership steadily grew and now sits at 42 active members.  The Post has started recruiting an Auxiliary and a Sons of the American Legion and each has about five members and their charters are being written and reviewed.


Tate Lawrence was a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army, having served in Vietnam and later in his career was an instructor at the Command and Staff College.  After his military service he ran for and was elected Sheriff of Izard County Arkansas.  He is the longest serving sheriff in Izard County history.  His son is currently a Lieutenant Colonel serving as the Commander of the United States Army Marksmanship Unit at Fort Benning, Georgia.


American Legion Post 81 submitted their request for a Permanent Charter on December 13, 2018 and is awaiting final approval and issue.  Currently the Post sponsors the local Girl Scout Troop, has conducted a food drive for the needy, gave out Thanksgiving Baskets for the needy in the community and has conducted a Charity Auction.  The Post is very active in the community and has full support of the County Judge and the Quorum Court which has given the Post a county building for the American Legion to use as their Meeting Hall. If you are ever in Melbourne look for the Post which is in the County Courthouse Annex basement on Main Street. Everyone is always welcomed.


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