On May 30, 1928 the cemetery at the Grand Canyon was dedicated and at that time the National Park Service and The American Legion, John Ivens Post 42, Grand Canyon, AZ were assigned as Co-caretakers of the cemetery responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the cemetery. On May 28, 2007, the new entrance gate at the cemetery was re-dedicated. Through the efforts of the National Park Service, the US Forest Service, and The American Legion, John Ivens Post 42, the pillars and the top logs were replaced. In 1949, John Ivens Post 42 erected a memorial inside the cemetery in memory of those who gave their lives serving our country. Present were Department of Arizona Commander, Lawrence Carr of Tempe, Arizona National Committeeman, Ray Prochnou of Flagstaff, Department of Arizona, District 7 Commander, Jeff Ferris of Flagstaff, and John Ivens Post 42 Commander Jack Verkamp of Grand Canyon.



Memorial at Grand Canyon Pioneer Cemetery


Veteran Memorial at Grand Canyon Pioneer Cemetery


Original entrance gate to Grand Canyon Pioneer Cemetery


Plaque at the entrance to Grand Canyon Pioneer Cemetery


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