The dedication of John Ivens Post #42, American Legion Hut at Tusayan, Grand Canyon, Arizona on April 12, 1953. The Hut was dedicated by W. R. "Bill" Bourdon of Holbrook, who was the National Vice Commander of the American Legion. Picture # 7: The old George Reed Homestead Cabin. The fireplace was added by John Ivens Post #42. Picture # 8: Hopi Indian Dancers at the Dedicateion. Hopi Sammy Pemahinya is at the right. Picture #9: Donnie Scheier, Lawrence Scheier, Jo Scheier, Bessie Reed, J. J. Reed, Eleanor Frank, Buford Belgard, Ernie Greening (Commander) and Nora Greening. Picture #10: Douglas Frank, Jr., Bessie Reed, Mary Hoover, J. J. Reed, Buford Belgard, Donnie Scheier, Doug Frank, Nora Greening, Leanore Gibson, Ernie Greening, Myra Belgard, Ruth Payne, and Jo Scheier.



Hopi Indian Dancers


Members social at The Hut


Members social at The Hut


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