From the "Park Service Bulletin" of February 28, 1929:
Friends of the National Park Service and of Grand Canyon National Park will be shocked and grieved to learn of the untimely death by drowning of Glen E. Sturdevant, Park Naturalist, and Fred Johnson, Park Ranger. This irretrievable loss occurred on the morning of 20 February, 1929 when, in company with Chief Ranger James P. Brooks, Sturdevant and Johnson were returning from a ten day trip in the Canyon, the object of which was the collection of specimens of scientific interest, securing data on Canyon flora and fauna, search for prehistoric ruins, and other objects of interest as well as a general exploration of some of the unknown regions of the Canyon.
Glen E. Sturdevant was a charter member of John Ivens Post 42 and Fred Johnson was an applicant for membership in John Ivens Post 42.