The post chose it's name, Kupfahl-Meyer-Scheib to honor three men in our local area.Pvt. Walter Kupfahl of Co. I 116th Infantry, killed in action in 1918 while serving in France. Pvt. Henry Meyer died in the U.S. that same year serving the 159th Dep. Brigade. Pvt. Walter Scheib was injured while servinng in France with the 304th Sup. Co. QMC causing his death in 1919. The Post was chartered by National Headquarters in Indianapolis, IN on June 5th, 1935 with 29 charter memebers. The first building to hold all meetings was purchased and remodeled in 1944. Dedication to this building was on September 12th, 1945. Moving date to our current building (the Town Herman Town Hall) was on August 26, 1989.
What Makes this Post Unique
Our Post works hand in hand with our Auxiliary by having our meeting nights on the same night. All special events and fundraisers are hosted and shared with our Auxiliary. We strive to welcome and include all family members in everything that we do.