Harold C. Anderson
American Legion Post #283 - Suring
Harold Christian Anderson was born October 30, 1895 in the town of Maple Valley. He graduated from high school and Northland College in Ashland prior to entering barber school in Minneapolis. Mr. Anderson enlisted in the armed forces in 1917, and went to Waco, Texas with the 32nd Infantry Division. He was later shipped to France to the fighting front. Mr. Anderson was wounded in action on October 7th and died from his wounds on October 13th. Mr. Anderson was buried in France. Later his body was brought back to the United States. Funeral services were conducted by the Congregation Church in Maple Valley. The American Legion Post from Oconto participated in the ceremony. William C. Nelson of Suring, thought it would be nice to have a post in Suring. He contacted the veterans in Suring and the surrounding area and they all agreed that it would be nice to have a post in Suring. They wrote to headquarters to find out all the details about getting one started. On the twentieth of January 1922, the American Legion Post #283 was organized. It was named the Harold C. Anderson Post #283. The first officers that were elected for the Suring post and charter members were the following:
Commander – William C. Nelson
Vice Commander – Chas. Mathys
Adjutant – Elmer E. Anderson
Finance Officer – Wm. J. Boettcher
Historian – Walter W. Krueger
Chaplain – Wm. E. Suring
Sergeant at Arms – George Anderson
Athletic Officer - Henry Jansen
Employment Officer – Thomas B. Halverson
Service Officer – Nap Sauter
The following signed the Charter
William Alder Basom Harry H. Bartz
Elmer E. Anderson William J. Boettcher
Henry Jansen Walter W. Krueger
Norman C. Kurtz Murray Rickaby
Nap Sauter Haybert Hansen
Sam J. Parker Stepher Aldrick
Chas. Mathys Richard Ruck
William E. Suring