
Nov 21, 2023
IN THE NEWS Return criminal penalties for those who take advantage of disabled veterans or their families THIS WEEK'S GUEST Actress Julia Ling is a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserves, has appeared on many popular television series such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, House, ER, Grey's Anatomy, The OC – but is best known for her role as "nerd-herder" Anna Wu on Chuck. After losing multiple military friends to suicide and battling her own depression after a training injury, Julia wanted to do more than raise awareness about the veteran suicide - she wanted to provide a solution. Thus was born Veteran Powered Films, a production company focused on empowering and engaging veterans in all facets of the entertainment industry via on-the-job training and mentorship with fellow military veterans. Julia joins Marine Corps veteran and actor Hiram A. Murray, who will star in Veteran Powered Films next project - an apocalyptic horror film called "Homestead." RAPID FIRE Veterans banners to come down - maybe for good U.S. veterans use art to help female Afghan soldiers who fled their country process their pain ‘Go beyond thanks:’ New survey reveals we should do more than simply thank our veterans for their service SHOW NOTES @veteranpoweredfilms

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