Past Post Commander Edward Grandpre wrote this account of his service in the army during World War I. I will add it here as I feel that it gives some insight and history of that Great War.
When about 22 years old, 1917, Edward Grandpre from Conde, SD enlisted in the armed forces of the US. He took his boot training in Camp Funston, near Fort Riley, Kansas, under the command..
Dec. 23, 1919. Attorney Frank Sieh, Aberdeen was here and outlined plans for a Legion post in Conde.
Dec. 30, 1919. another meeting was held but the post never got completely organized it really never got beyond the election of officers.
A new interest in the American Legion began to awaken. It was about this time talk began of reorganizing the post at Conde. A call went out and a meeting was called for May 5th, 1925. The turn out was large as now everyone could see the necessity and advantage of a post in Conde. The new officers were Lloyd McMillan, Commander, Frank McLeoud, Vice Commander, Clyde Cordry, Adjutant, Stanley Johnson, Historian, E G Smith,..
First undertaking was to undertake the proper observance of Memorial Day. It was to include a parade forming at the schoolhouse of veterans of all wars, school children and lastly citizens of the community. They were to march to the cemeteries where graves of old soldiers were decorated with flowers by the school children. In the afternoon, a fine address was given in the Municipal Building by Roger Campbell of Aberdeen. Only two remaining War..
Armistice night meeting was held. The Post authorized the purchase of a beautiful silk flag and a post silk banner for $135.00 Ten U S Springfield rifles with belts and ammunition were ordered from the U S Government. It was necessary to put up a $200.00 bond to get the rifles. Stands were made to hold the flags during post meetings.
District Committee-woman Mrs. W C Ewing is coming so all you fellows bring in those that are eligible. This includes wives, Mothers, Daughters, Sisters {sweethearts excluded}. Lets have a good turn out. We need a unit here and when woman say I want it “I say give it to them”. The women will have their meeting in the Theater Building, if I can get it, at any rate they will have a meeting and it..
District meeting in Huron. They are expecting a big turnout from Conde. The bunch down there wonderers where we got all of our members. They know that we are one of the “top notchers” in the district. They know that there are not many in the district that top us in membership. They are planning quite a meeting, lots of entertainment a big feed and so on. One of the features is a big feed..
A summer celebration was planned the day was ideal and the program went forward as planned but there were two things to mar the celebration. One was the crops were drying up and the other was both banks closed at this time. This completely tied up the post funds that amounted to $450. Commander McMillan said, “We are all broke but happy.” The Banks failure caused the post to advance $2 of next years dues..
By Leroy (Rosy) Funk
History of the Conde Legion Hall
When I joined the Legion in 1947 there was already some talk of a new building. It was sorely needed as anyone who navigated that twisting, low head room, semi dark stairway to the meeting room in the old bank building can attest to. I was commander in 1952 and the idea of a new building became more advanced. So, on Dec. 3, I appointed the following..