The first efforts to organize in Logan County came in August 1919, when area servicemen banded together to form a local post. Former Major E.K. Campbell called the meeting to order and gave the men present an idea of what a temporary organization might involve. Fred Hamilton was chosen to act as temporary chairman and Joseph Cooke as temporary secretary.
In January 1921, County Commissioners give the second floor of Memorial Hall to the recently formed Harold Kerr Post for use as a clubroom. A large room on that floor was used for meetings and had kitchen facilities as well. The first floor of Memorial Hall was given to the Eugene Reynolds Post of the Grand Army of the Republic and kindred organizations
After outgrowing facilities there, Post 173 in 1943 settled into the third floor of the Powell Block at the corner of east Columbus and Opera. Subsequent moves took the organization to the building on north Main that would later serve as the Calvary Baptist Church and then as the MacGillivray Law offices, to the former Orr Mansion now occupied by the..
Finally, post officers and members voted to construct their own post facility, which was built in 1968 at its current location, 120 Colton Avenue.