Arthur Steenrod-Adjutant
BC Haskins-treasurer
Dr.FE McCarthy-Service Officer
Chas E. Civill-Athletic Officer
CB Strucken-Serg. at Arms
What Makes this Post Unique
The Morrison Hayes Post #702 in Wellsville, NY was chartered in 1919 by 15 members, all whom served in WW1. The post was named after a war hero who died in France, Morrison Hayes.
Dues then were $2.25. The post has grown to 500 members and we sponsor everything from Boy's State to Legion baseball.
Morrison Hays served in the 12th Div.Machine gunners, 4th Div. AEF. He was awarded the DSC, Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in action near Hautevesnes, France in July 1918.Corporal Hayes refused to be evacuated and led his squad forward with the Infantry placing his gun in action in the front where he was exposed to intense fire. He inspired his men by his personal heroism.
The post is located in Allegany County, New York in the 8th District.