Post 136 Mt. Kisco, New York

Post 136

Mt. Kisco, New York

About This Post

Post Namesake

 The post was named after Moses Taylor Jr., who was killed in service during WWI

1st Lt. Moses Taylor Jr. saw continuous action in France from December 1917 until his death on March 24, 1918. Based on accounts from his fellow officers, Taylor, Jr., was “like a father” to them.

 On March 23, 1918 Taylor rounded up a group of volunteers for a raid in “No Man’s Land.” The objective was to capture a mill housing several German machine guns. With Taylor in command, the group went over the top at two in the morning and crept towards German lines, moving through a stream and across a field of old corn stalks.

 Taylor was shot by a German who emerged from what looked like a freshly dug hole. It was impossible to recover Taylor’s body at the time because an artillery barrage was laid down on the area. It was not until two weeks later that the company finally took this trench. 



