The American Legion was founded in March of 1919. This year marks the 100th Birthday of The American Legion. The village of Campbell, Nebraska will be holding a city-wide celebration in honor of the legion's 100 years of service.
Centennial Celebration List of Events:
May 28, 2017
Color Guard honors the deceased veterans at Osco Cemetery with a 21 gun salute.
(left to right) Joe Rutt-Post Commander, Sandra Poe, Noel Frisbie, Lee Erickson, Dale Frisbie, Lamoine Hall, Richard Schmidt, Rodney Schmidt, Calvin Henkel, Paul Kral
(not shown) On Trumpet: Gary Meyer
Color Guard retrieving colors at the Memorial Day service 2017.
(left to right): Richard Schmidt, Dale Frisbie, Noel Frisbie, Rodney Schmidt
Memorial Day Services - May 29, 2017
Lee Erickson-Post Adjutant, with the help of Richard Schmidt, honor the deceased veterans by placing poppies into the helmet. The deceased Veteran's names are read, based on each war served, starting with the Civil War through the current conflicts. Sandra Poe-Chaplin (not shown) reads the names of the deceased.
Memorial Day, May 29, 2017
American Legion Post 169 member, Noel Frisbie, along with Cornhusker Boy's State participant, Corey Conway, assemble one of the many flags that will line the boulevard. These flags are placed up and down the boulevard in Campbell by members of the American Legion Post 169, along with the help of volunteers from the community.
The listing of all events taking place in Campbell, Nebraska in celebration of the Legion's 100 years of service has been posted.