Joyce Lewis was elected a National Vice Commander in 1919. He was the brother of William who was killed in action.
What Makes this Post Unique
William T. Lewis American Legion Post 12 of Long Prairie was founded and chartered on August 20, 1920 by twenty one area World War I Veterans. It followed their efforts in 1919 under the leadership of Joyce S. Lewis who would become a National Vice Commander from 1919-1920. The William T. Lewis Post was named to honor the life of William T. Lewis who was killed in action during WWI. He was the brother of co-founder of Post 12 and National Vice Commander, Joyce Lewis.
It wasn't until 1951 that Post 12 members were able to purchase their first Post Home. It was an old family home on First Street North which served as Post 12 home until 1957. In 1957 the old house was demolished and a new Club house built in its place. A grand opening celebration was held on February 16, 1958, kicking off AL Post 12 entrance into improved support for our nations Veterans that served their country in WW1, WW2, and the Korean conflict. It would serve as Post 12 home until 2004.
With the demand for additional space for the growing Post 12 membership and upgrading the aging Post home, the decision was made to purchase a large building in an improved location. It provided not only an improved customer friendly location, but newly upgraded facilities three times the floor space. This was necessary for both business income increase, but provided an area to host community activities and Post programs and gatherings. The new facility spent several months in a state of complete transformation from an equipment repair facility, to a beautiful home to serve our area veterans at a cost of over $500,000. Through aggressive fund raising programs conducted by the membership, Post 12 was able to pay off the loan in just seven years.
In February 2004, the newly remodeled William T. Lewis Post 12 hosted their grand opening. The new Post home continues to serve the Veterans and the community of the area in a manner that fulfills the aspirations and goals established by the National American Legion.
Permanant Charter
Aug 20, 1920 Twenty one area vets were charter members.