Post 104 LITCHFIELD, Minnesota

Post 104


Post 104 LITCHFIELD, Minnesota

About This Post

Post Namesake

Nelsan Horton Post #104 POST #104 NAMED After Orville Nelsan and Donald Horton volunteered & joined the Marines April 19, 1917,  They Litchfield WWI Veterans who were killed in combat. ORVILLE A. NELSAN Orville A. Nelsan was the son of the late Mr. Mrs J.W. Nelsan of Litchfield. He grew up in Litchfield and was born on October 4, 1897. He attended Litchfield High Schools graduating in 1917. He entered the Marine Corps in April 1917 . Trained in Quantico, Virginia and on August 20, 1917 landed at St. Nazaire, France. In January 1918 he was transfered to the Vosges mountains near Switzerland and on Easter Sunday he entered the Trenches in that sector until May 15th, 1918. They were  than moved to the Marne and participated in all of the Marine actions at Chateau Thierry where some of the severest fighting of WW I took place. Orville Nelsan was killed in action on the afternoon of June 6th, 1918 and was buried on the following day near the town of Lucy-le-Bocage, France. At the time of his death he was 21 year of age. In the year 1921 his remains were returned to the U.S. and he was then buried with military honors at the Litchfield Lake Ripley Cemetery.

DONALD C. HORTON Donald C. Horton was the son of the late Mr. Mrs G.L. Horton of Litchfield. He was born in Litchfield September 1, 1896. He attended Litchfield High School and graduated with the class of 1915. He volunteered and enlisted in the Marine Corps April 19, 1917 and trained in Quantico, Virginia. He fought with the Marines in the same unit as Orville Nelsan & Jerome Johns all from Litchfield.. Donald was killed in action June 23, 1918 and buried in France. A memorial service was held in Litchfield. At the time of his death he was 22 years of age. His remains were returned to the U.S. and was buried in a cemetery in  Arlington Va. A marker has been placed with the Horton family at the Litchfield Lake Ripley cemetery.

Notable Members

All our members are important and took the oath to defend the United States of America. Some saw more War than they wanted to than others.

What Makes this Post Unique

Post#104 has an excellent Post home with a Lounge and Resturant. It is a great place to meet and provides an opportunity for its Post members to support Veterans by belonging to the Meeker County Veterans Council which provides support to Meeker County Veterans and offers rides to Veterans for appointments at the Veterans Hospitals and Clinics mainly St Cloud & Minneapolis. Post #104 largest project over the years was the development of Legion Memorial Park. The Post has sponsored many Legion and community projects such as it's Legion Baseball team, Boys Stater's, Oratorical Contest and has a Ceremonial & Ritual team for parades and Veteran funerals. It also supports an annual Memorial Day Ceremony, parade and Ceremony at Lake Ripley Cemetery. Post #104 built & supports the Lake Ripley Avenue of Flags. In the early years the Post sponsored a Drum and Bugle marching band which won many State contests. The Post has a long history of supporting and contributing to many local community projects and events.
