Alfred W Maxwell Jr
Comrade Maxwell was the first solider from Winthrop to be Killed in Action while serving in the 1st Reg, 1st Div. He died of injuries suffered in Guadalcanal on 10 September 1942
Notable Members
Commanders: 1919-1920 Francis H. Bate; 1921 Francis H. Bate;1922 Russell w. Hudson; 1923 Russell W. Hudson; 1924 Harris c\C. Bishop; 1925 Francis H. Bate; 1926 Peter A. Thaanum, Jr.; 1927 Francis H. Bate;1928 Myron Hudson; 1929 Earl Tarr; 1930 Alfred H. Babb; 1931 Arthur Lehaye; 1932 Dr. Leon D. Herring; 1933 Alfred W. Maxwell; 1934 William Loon; 1935 Adelord Fountain; 1936 George L. Baker.
What Makes this Post Unique
May 20, 1927 – Memorial Service at Glenside Cemetary, when, at requested of National Commander, soil was taken from the graves of departed comrades there, to be taken to France when commorating the tenth annivesary of the landing of our boys in France, to be strewn on graves of comrades buried there. This was done by Commander Francis N. Bate and taken to France by him and Comrade Frank L. Tuttle when they went At Belleau Wood, the soil was scattered over graves of comrades there, and the casket refilled with French soil.
May 27, 1928 – Memorial Exercises at Glenside Cemetery when casket of French soil was deposited in specially prepared lot, and unveiling of tablet which bore the following inscription:
“Beneath this tablet in bronze casket reposes the soil of France taken from the graves of our comrades in Belleau Wood, replaced by soil taken from graves of comrades in Glenside Cemetery, thus uniting the two soils and bespeaking that wider patriotism which says, ‘Your country and mine for the peace of mankind’”.