Poweshiek County Boys Depart for Jefferson Barracks at St. Louis, MO.
Seventeen County boys departed Grinnell with large crowd saying goodbye. M. & St. L. Train was decorated with flags--cheering recurits fill three coaches.
Local area Boys:
Deep River------Leamond E. Stevenson
Guernsey--------Grant O. Wherry
The American Legion Deep River Columbia Post 296
The American Legion Columbia Post 296
Post became inactive do to declining membership. Remaining members transferred to Victor & Montezuma!
Marlyn M. Schrader enlisted at Fort Des Moines, Iowa on May 28, 1941. He was assigned to the Army Air Forces and trained as an aerial gunner. He was promoted to Sergeant, and assigned to crew training on the B-17 type aircraft. The crew was sent to England after crew training, arriving at Thorpe-Abbots on May 9, 1944. They flew..
Kenneth was born Octobter 18, 1913 in Deep River. His family moved to Michigan until the death of his Mother in 1939. At that time his father brought his son back to Deep River to live near family. He was inducted June 20, 1942 . He served as a rifleman with the 79th infantry which "wrote their story in blood" capturing the channel port in the invasion of France in one of the most ravaging..
Deep River Columbia Post 296 Charter was voided by Department Adjutant, Agent. R.J. Laird
Members and elgible veterans met in Memorial Hall in Deep River for the purpose of reorganizing American Legion Columbia Post 296. Paul Light was nominated as acting Commander with R.P. Wilhite as acting Adjutant. Dues were set at $4.00. A motion was made and approved to change Post name form Columbia to Morrison-Schrader honoring two local soiders who gave up their lives in Europe during WW 2.
Temporary Charter Issued for reactivated Post 296!
Permanent Charter issued to Deep River Morrison-Schrader Post 296
To remind us to remember all who served, in whatever place, in whatever capacity, the men and women of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard.
The new post home was dedicated by honoring local citzens and members for donations. Land, labour and equipment made it possble for compleation. After flag rasing, a programm and a rifle volly follow by taps. A meal was served by legion members in appreciation.