Post 318 is conveniently located off of Federal Highway, just south of Prima Vista Blvd. Besides being home to 1000+ Comrades, the Post is home to an extremely active Auxiliary, Sons of the Legion and Legion Riders organizations. All aspects of Post 318 are pro-active in the community and host or support numerous activities throughout the year. A Special Olympics for disabled children, outreach to homeless veterans, Support the Troops programs, Memorial Day and Veterans' Day services and Toys for Tots are just a few of those events. In addition the Post holds numerous events throughout the year for it's members enjoyment that include weekly dinners and dances. A list of all meetings and events is posted monthly in our calendar. Thinking of joining the Legion, Auxiliary, Sons or Legion Riders?? Stop by the Canteen anytime or join us at one of our meetings. Our members would be glad to tell you about the Post and provide details of eligibility and membership.