Post 273 Madeira Beach, Florida

Post 273

Madeira Beach, Florida

Post 273 Madeira Beach, Florida

About This Post

Post Namesake
Augustus Ruser, Jr. - Augustus joined the U.S. Army on 6 April 1917. He served in France and Belgium, being wounded and gassed twice. CPL Ruser returned to the United States early in 1919 and was honorably discharged at Camp Upton, New York, on 1 April 1919. In October of 1919, he became a charter member of American Legion Post 145, Astoria, New York, faithfully serving for forty-two years. Following his retirement from the New York State Motor Bureau in 1958, he moved to Florida transferring his membership to Greater Gulf Beaches Post 273. Again becoming an active member, he served as Post Commander, Adjutant 8 terms, continually on the Executive Board, and various committees. He was Bingo Cashier - 15 years, resigning due to health. "Gus" passed away in his sleep on 8 May, 1980, after 61 years of faithfully serving the American Legion. In honor of his service to "God and Country" at the Regular Meeting of 1 July 1980, a motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to rename Greater Gulf Beaches Post 273 as "Augustus Ruser, Jr. Post 273". The new charter was issued 22 July 1980.
