Thomas P. Johnston: In May 1957, the name of the Post was changed from the North Andrews Post to the Thomas P. Johnston Post as in the agreement of the Post to re-name the Post after the first member that died.
Notable Members
Past Department Commander Charles "Chuck" Moreland; Past National Executive Committema-Alternate and Past Department Commander John Feeney.
What Makes this Post Unique
History of Post #222
After several meetings at the North Andrews Gardens Home Owners Assoc. located at NW 50th Street and NE 8th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, the birth of a new American Legion Post came into being.
John Stephenson, Frank P. Brown, and Howard Geary worked out the formation of the new post. Mr. Stephenson campaigned and signed up thirteen members, and Howard Geary did a wonderful job and turned up with twenty-six members and that was enough to be able to apply for a temporary charter.
The temporary charter came through on Dec. 15, 1956, and the first official meeting was held and the newly elected officers of the Post were installed by District Commander M.C. Meade and the installation team from West Palm Beach.
•Commander John Stephenson
•1st Vice Commander Howard Geary
•2nd Vice Commander Thomas Gaekle
•Finance Officer Clifford Wolfekamp
•Adjutant James Dunn
•Sgt-At-Arms Fred L. Zeltman
•Historian Milo Elfring
In May 1957, the name of the Post was changed from the North Andrews Post to the Thomas P. Johnston Post as in the agreement of the Post to re-name the Post after the first member that died.
John Stephenson, William D. Connolly, and Clyde Weyant were on the committee that acquired a new building.
On May 22, 1957 the Post moved to it's new headquarters in the Oakland Park Civic Center, renting at $10.00 per meeting. This was paid by a Mr. Kelly for the entire year. The same night, the Post was presented with an American flag, donated by Pop Sterling, and the Post banner, presented by Commander W.H. Watson of Post 36, our sponsoring Post.
In 1959, Dewey Hawkins donated land to us, located at NE 5th Avenue and 43rd Court, our current location in Oakland Park.
May 27, 1961 saw the dedication of the new Post home. Sam McCallum, Department Commander 1960-1961, was the guest of honor along with the members of Dewey Hawkins family. Post 36 sent their band up to the dedication.
June 11, 1969, Post 222 is the Host Post for the State Convention which was held on the Galt Ocean Mile.
August 31, 1969 an addition to the Post was started under the supervision of Leonard Senger. It was to be used for the meetings of the Legion and Auxiliary, dances, etc. It was used also by the City of Oakland Park, Little League Baseball, and other community organizations.
September 22, 1969, American Legion National Headquarters certified that Post 222 had established an ALL TIME HIGH in membership for thirteen (13) years, which were 1957-1969.
On June 21, 1970 Post 222 held a special celebration to honor Past Commander John Feeney on being elected to the position of National Executive Committeeman Alternate. The celebration was held in the new addition of the Post.
The new hall was officially opened in October 1970 with a Halloween Dance.
In 1974, Five oil painted murals were painted on the walls of the new hall. There is a mural for WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. The fifth mural is of all the services. These murals still hang in the main hall. WE ARE VERY PROUD OF THEM!
In February 1975 there was a dedication ceremony for the murals.
In May 1975, the post added a kitchen and some new equipment.