Herman Carmichael:
Herman Carmichael enlisted in the United States Coast Guard on March 13, 1917 at Tampa, Florida and was received onboard the USS Tampa on the same day. He re-enlisted in the United States Coast Guard at sea in the North Atlantic Ocean on March 13, 1918. His next of kin was listed as Mrs. Estelle Carmichael (Mother) of 1603 Lamar Avenue, Tampa, Florida. (* Information from the Muster Roll of the Crew, USS Tampa dated December 31, 1917 and Muster Roll dated March 31, 1918.)
Eston Drew Legree:
Eston Drew Legree enlisted in the United States Coast Guard on July 8, 1917 at Tampa, Florida. He was received onboard the USS Tampa on October 3, 1917 at Charleston, South Carolina. His next of kin was listed as Mrs. Malice Caldwell (Mother) of 716 3rd Avenue, Tampa, Florida. (* Information from the Muster Roll of the Crew, USS Tampa dated December 31, 1917.)
Notable Members
Central Area Commander - Eunice Butts 2014-2015; 15th District Commander - Eunice Butts 2012-2014; Johnnie Campbell - 15th District Commander (he was also the first Commander of color).
What Makes this Post Unique
The Colored Veterans of the World Wars of the State of Florida was originally the Colored Auxiliary. They were sponsored by The U.S.S. Tampa, American Legion Post No. 5. This auxiliary group of veterans was known as Carmichael-Legree Unit 6. The Post became a part of the American Legion National Headquarters in Tampa, Florida in 1946 and was named American Legion Post 167 Carmichael-Legree. Our post is a living memorial to H. A. Carmichael and E. D. Legree who were Coast Guardsmen serving aboard The U. S. S. Tampa. This navel escort vessel was sunk with all hands aboard in the Bristle Channel, England, in September, 1918.
The American Legion Post 167 Carmichael-Legree is comprised of dedicated men and women who served in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard (active and reserves) who participated and gave their services to their country during the wars and peace time.
The American Legion Post 167 Carmichael-Legree's duties and responsibilities are to help fellow Legionnaires, Servicepersons, the needy, poor, underpriviledged children, and the community. We sponsor: (1) Young men and women in "Boys State" and "Girls State" (2) Young men and women in the Oratorical Contest (3) Donate time, services and finances to veteran and community organizations when called upon.
Our Post was the first (and still only Post) to sponsor a blind student to Boys State. The Buffalo soldiers formalized out of Post 167.