1.Department Commander Red Vetter getting ready to draw names from the tumbler. 2.Clayton Rados and Walley Payer (Master of Ceremonies)reading off winning ticket names. 3.Legionniers checking tickets at door James T Anderson,Doc Schuurman,Ray Wipf,and Norman Nedved. 4.Bar crew John Cimpl,Bill Slaba,Norm Cihak,and Ed Kokesh. 5.Harris Haar,Leon Thaler,Clayton Rados and John Stone enjoying some refreshments. 6.Justin Youngbluth pointing at the prize he wants to win. 7.Kitchen crew. 8.Leon Thaler,Wally Payer,Merle Stone with LaRae Rogers,Lisa Sherwood ready to draw some tickets. All tickets are drawn by ticket holders. 9.Commanders table with Legion and Auxiliary members enjoying themselves. 10.Table with several ladies from the Auxiliary. 11.Depart. Com. Vetter with his wife Barb and Merle and wife June Stone. Rock n Roll.



2. Clayton Rados and MC Walley Payer reading names of winning tickets.


3. Terry, Doc, Ray, and Norm at front door checking addmission.


4. Bar crew John Cimpl, Bill Slaba, Norm Cihak and Ed Kokesh


5. Harris Haar,Leon Thaler,Clayton Rados and John Stone


6. Justin Youngbluth pointing at the prize


7. Kitchen Crew


8. LaRae and Lisa ready to draw some tickets.


9. State Commanders table


10. Table with several Auxiliary ladies.


Commander Vetter and wife Barb dancing


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