Randy D. Edwards

Welcome to the 95th Annual Department of Utah Convention. We are looking forward to seeing the entire family together in Provo and participating in a celebration of a year of accomplishments through the efforts of so many. The programs, events and projects were an aggressive schedule. In review I don’t think that I have ever done anything more important in my life with so many wonderful people to achieve the reputation and respect that The American Legion has locally and Nationally. We’re conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But great moments often catch us unaware, beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one. People may not remember exactly what we did, or what we said, but they will always remember how we made them feel.

As we look forward to our future we should always stay focused on the Four Pillars and achieve the founding National Organizations purposes. We need to continue to plan for our 100th Celebration Legacy by teaching our newer members what we stand for and understand the meaning of our Emblem that we display on our hats, uniforms and stationery. Our Communities cannot expect that everyone understands the traditions of what we have done for almost a century. We have to continue to teach our newer Post Commanders that working on the BASICS are based on experience to advance to new ideas, programs and reporting. Our emblem has a story that needs to be exercised.

Our intent this past year is to document and capture what you have done through your Post Consolidated Reports. I hope that you will read our Committee reports. It is there that we will give to you our Department reports and our year’s amazing achievements.

As this year closes I would like to thank all Legion Members, Auxiliary and programs of The Sons of The American Legion and our Legion Riders for your hard work. All our projects and goals will be completed. We have done all we can do. So let’s enjoy our successes and let’s celebrate. When you work your hardest to be your personal best - That is success. I do not know an organization that works harder than The American Legion for our Veterans. I look forward serving, supporting and working with you in the future.

For God and Country

Randy D. Edwards
Department Commander, 2013-2014

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