The American Legion
Department of Utah

December 18, 2012

Comrades in Arms;
Every year at Christmas I think of the loneness of times when we served our country and we could not be with our Families. I think of the brave Men and Women now serving our great land and going through what we did in past conflicts. I contemplate the less fortunate than ourselves and have compassion because they were like everyone growing up in the lean times and Christmas meant that we couldn’t buy things we really needed. I didn’t have enough money to go home so on holidays I would volunteer for Guard Duty just to have something to do. I knew that my fellow married Soldiers needed to be with theirs. I remember the sweet feeling it gave me and how I would sing Christmas songs to myself just to pass the nights away and waited for mornings to come too. I remember the great feasts the mess stewards gave pride in providing for us left on Post. I remember the Company Christmas socials we had and the war stories that were told. I am grateful that I can walk among you, the many heroic services you still give, and listen to your life experiences that encourage us to be better and remind us what we really have in life to live for. I am so grateful to you who allow me to have the wonderful experiences of your friendship as we still serve our Veterans and each other. I look forward to our celebration of 100% Quota Membership in 2013 and accomplishing another goal we can all be proud of. Thank you for your hard and sometimes thankless Service. Know that it is appreciated and does not go un-noticed to those you continue to serve. Have a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year

Always For God and Country

Randy D. Edwards
Vice-Commander / Membership Chairman

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