The Posts activities have been the major source for generating funds for the mainenence of its many programs. In the early years there were the fox hunts, crow hunts, coyote hunts, pheasant hunts and turkey shoots, ( turkey shoots preceded raffles as its source of revenue). During the 1920"s chitaques and plays were presented by the legion family talent shows, card tournaments, and bingo. When the current post home was bought, two or three dances per month were held for many years. The raffeling of guns, 4-wheelers, and a centennial rifle . The usual pancake and mountain oyster feeds, fish fries and many other efforts were part of the posts means for getting continued revenue. The Legion family celebrates The Legion Birthday Party annually in March, with a speaker, a pot luck dinner, we play cards and share great fellowship. For years Post #42 sponsored boxing, we also had bowling team that won many trophies.



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