Sons of the American Legion Squadron (SAL) 287 has been working with the other 4th District SAL Squadrons in developing this Veteran's Day of Honor program. The program's goals are to honor veterans who are physically or medically unable to go on the Honor Flight airline trips to see the veteran monuments in Washington, D.C. The program is an audio-visual presentation to allow the veterans to see some of the various monuments. The program also recognizes the veterans in attendance with certificates. Veterans are also given letters of thanks written by children of a local school. The children's letters are given to each veteran in attendance through a "roll call/mail call." Families and friends of the veterans are also invited to attend. The first such program within the 4th District was held in Maryville, Missouri and was hosted by Tri-C Memorial Squadron 464 from Conception Junction. This photo gallery is the 1st such event hosted by Dick Munkres Squadron 287 in Savannah, Missouri. The event took place at the Andrew County Senior Center. Volunteers to conduct the event came from Squadron 464 (Conception Junction), Squadron 359 (Saint Joseph), and Squadron 287 (Savannah)



Veterans and their family/guests continue to arrive


L. to R.: Cecil Raines, Dave Hehn, Mark Brock, & Marvin Harper


Getting settled in prior to the start of the ceremony


Room filling up.


Pre-start of the ceremony


Mark Brock being interviewed by KQ-2 TV


Multiple war-eras of veterans to be recognized and thanked


Honor Guard posting the colors


Post 287 Chaplain Dave Hehn giving the invocation


Emcee SAL Squad 287 Commander Mike Walter


SAL Detachment Western Vice Commander Mark Brock


Audio-visual presentation underway


Kurt Schinze standing for the Marine Corps theme song


Navy theme song being played and honored by attendees


Veteran receiving certificate of appreciation


Veteran receiving certificate of appreciation


Veteran receiving certificate of appreciation


Veteran receiving certificate of appreciation


Veteran receiving certificate of appreciation


Veteran receiving a certificate of appreciation


Veteran receiving a certificate of appreciation


Veteran receiveing a certificate of appreciation


Marvin Harper from O'Howell-Strader Post 102 (Barnard, MO) offering the closing comments


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