Event organized by the Auxiliary. Volunteers from the Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Riders and Legionnaires from Post 287 help.



Norma Dunnihoo welcoming students


Flag folding ceremony by Timmy Williams, Terry Beasley & Barb Ebersole



Judge Mchael Ordnung


Bailiff questioning Legionniare & Rider Dave Hehn


County Treasurer Cindy Esely



Timmy Williams, Jim Bliley (Post 464) & Mike Walter


Flag with 45 stars in the background


Legionniare Herb Clizer with students in the Assessor Office


County Commissioners



Jim Bliley (Post 464) & Timmy Williams


County Collector Phil Rogers


Legionnaire Reid Ordnung


SAL & Legion Rider Cecil Raines


Auxiliary getting lunch ready for students, courthouse staff, and volunteers. Legionnaire Herb Clizer official food tester.


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