Post 42: Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Start Time:
! PM

Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Special Guest(s):
Mayor and Alderman of City

Open to all Civic Minded Organizations

American Legion lay's brick in Pershing Square in Honor of OS Resident/ Veterans Day Parade October 29, 2016

Among the last laser engraved bricks installed in Pershing Square was in honor of Chester H. Terry Jr. US Army KIA , March 1969 in Vietnam . Terry a US Army veteran was a graduate of Ocean Springs High School class of 1966. Pershing Square located in front of the Mary C was established to honor all branches of the military living and deceased for the past 100 years to include WW I, WW II, Korea, Vietnam , Iraq and Afghanistan and conflicts such as the Berlin Air Lift, Cuban missile crises and others. The last bricks for 2016 were installed this past week. Among the more recent deceased veterans honored with a laser engraved brick were US Marines MSGT John E Hayes , KIA 8 July 2009 and GYSGT Jon W Gifford ,KIA 29 July 2012 both in Afghanistan may they rest in peace. There are a handful of spaces left that if filled will be installed in 2017. Bricks installed after the dedication ceremony on April 9, 2016 would be dedicated to Post 42 Building fund.
American Legion Post 42 of Ocean Springs, Mississippi ,was chartered December 19, 1919 . The memorial is a monument the city and American Legion Post 42 erected in 1927 for its own Emile Ladnier, the only OS resident , KIA in the war four days before the armistice was signed in World War I, known at that time as the Great War. A veteran of WW II Adelchi Pilutti recently deceased at age 94 , September 9, 2016, also has a brick for his service. A member of Post 42 retired as a Special Forces CSM, recipient of the French Legion of Honor a member of the 508th parachute infantry regiment 82nd Airborne who led his squad out of the plane at night behind German lines hours before the invasion of Normandy June 1944 D Day . Later he later made a day light combat jump into Holland. Pilutti made over one thousand parachute jumps over his career from several different types of rotary and fixed wing aircraft. With a membership of over 150, Post 42 are stalwarts of the community, active and visible contributors to the welfare of veterans and citizens . Post 42 has approached city officials and the public to assist in locating a donation of a lot to build on or donated building to call home. As an alcohol-free and smoke-free organization, they will be good stewards and good neighbors to those around them. An active organization they send junior HS boys and with the auxiliary sponsor HS girls to state meetings to learn hands on how government works. Sponsor oratorical contests to HS students and give patriotic talks on the American flag to first graders in Jackson Country and give hours of advise and assistance to veterans . On Saturday ,October 29, American Legion Post 42 will sponsor a veterans parade in OS, the first since 1927. To participate in the parade call 228-249-2789 all civic minded organizations are invited to participate. Citizen's are invited to join Post 42 in honoring our veterans who have served the past 100 years preserving our freedom . Post 42 meets each third Monday of the month at 6:30 PM at the Senior Citizens Center next to the Walter Anderson Museum on Washington Avenue, Ocean Springs, MS. Veterans of all ages and their sons are invited to come join us.