Ernest F. Oldenburg Post 216 designates a "Color Guard" as a unit that presents the colors at various public events such as parades, school activities, veteran functions, and patriotic programs. The color guard may be as simple as carrying the American, POW/MIA, and Legion flags. Or it may consist of a full color guard unit that adds all of the military branch flags, as well as Women's Auxiliary, SAL, and Jr. Auxiliary colors. A rifle escort is always included for the American flag. Flag precedence in both static displays and marching formations are in accordance with the regulations outlined various Legion and Military documents.



Holiday Parade


PVA Dinner


Color Guard at Golf outting


Fourth of July 2015


Fourth of July 2015


Color Guard from Three VSO Legion,VFW and Amvets 2006


Memorial Day 2014


Muir Middle school 911 Ceremony 2015


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