On this fine and glorious weather day, Post 32's Honor Guard led the parade down Main Street. This particular celebration focused on the 50th anniversary of Vietnam. After the parade, there was a ceremony to give Vietnam era vets a certificate of appreciation and a pin.



This big vehicle carrying Post 32 vets is named the Gentle Giant


This parade float is fashioned after the USS Edmonds


I asked these gents if I could snap their photo as they headed off to line up in the parade


Many Vietnam Vets were honored by riding in fancy cars


One of the local bands warming up before the parade


Ed Andrich drove the Honor Guard bus filled with vets who were unable to march in the parade


The Honor Guard stops before the reviewing stand


Many, many school children attended and shouted "USA, USA, USA" as the Honor Guard passed by


Willis Corcoran shows off her certificate of appreciation and pin she received during the pinning ceremony on Main Street


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