Post 11 Florence, Alabama

Post 11

Florence, Alabama

Post 11 Florence, Alabama

About This Post

What Makes this Post Unique
Florence-Lauderdale Post #11 is the oldest Post Home in the State of Alabama.




First Caucus of The American Legion, Paris, France. 1919.

Mar 15, 1919
A group of twenty officers who served in the American Expeditionary Forces (A.E.F.) in France in World War I is credited with planning the Legion.A.E.F. Headquarters asked these officers to suggest ideas on how to improve troop morale. One officer, Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., proposed an organization of veterans. In February 1919, this group formed a temporary committee and selected several hundred officers who had the confidence and respect of the whole army. When..
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First Caucus of The American Legion, Paris, France. 1919.


Post #11 held its first 'Chicken Stew' to celebrate Veterans Day

Nov 11, 1926
The commander cooked the Stew with fellow veterans in his garage. The members brought the stew to the post and served it for free to all the members. Many paid their dues that day, and a tradition was born.. For over 88 years the recipe has been passed down from one Head Cook to another. This year will be the 89th Chicken Stew on November 13,2015 at 12:00 noon. Many members of the post and..
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